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Saturday 30 December 2017

DIY Zimmerit

The Zvezda art of tactic kits are good value, I bought some of the later war offering to go with my BG Fall of the Reich games and late war eastern front.  Despite the box art the models don't have Zimmerit so I have had to improvise.  GW Liquid green stuff was applied very thinly and then the panther "square" blocks were added.  Once dried I then scribed on a series of horizontal lines.

Not quite finished, as usual, I need time to do the mantlet and turret front.  A few lessons learned for when I move onto the PSC ones like that the lines should be vertical.  But as this was a test piece happy with the concept

Getting through the plastic (Pt 2)

Zvezda Panther G with home made zimmeritt.  Need to finish the mantlet and turret front (One kit down)

With a box 251 ausf D it was time to work on a pair of 251/9s.  The one on the left has the superstructure that I ended up cutting off an incorrect kit bash when I erroneously mated the 251 D option with a C chassis.  The one on the right came from the 251D conversion kit.  (Three Sprues down)

Zvezda Jagdpanther with extra tracks from the PSC Stowage set (One model down)
PSC T-34/76 modelled as  wreck (one sprue down)

PSC Sdkfz 251/7 Ausf D with Pzb 41.  Engineer bridges kindly donated by Guild member  NTM.  A 251/7 Ausf C in the background again with the Pzb 41.  The Pzb 41 is on the PSC 250 Alte sprue (two sprues down)

8 Models completed in under 8 days. Problem is the frame box doesn't look any emptier

Having a work bench has meant also getting to grips with some unfinished painting and basing.

Getting through the plastic (Pt 1)

One issue of moving house is that it sometimes takes a while to get back into the swing on things.  No difference here then. Having my gaming collection, paint, brushes, tools and references books in three different rooms including the garage haven't helped the situation.

Having my best mate around for game prior to christmas made me clear out the spare room, which also doubles as my office.  I found that I could have a 5' x 4' table in their without too much a squeeze, it is "Compact and Bijou".  Putting it all away again afterwards game me the opportunity to try some different layouts and by turning my trusty IKEA units through 90 degrees to form base and then put the other two units on top of the gaming board as a counterweight meant I had a 30" x 60" work desk good to go with some storage space underneath.

Swapping around the storage boxes meant that I didn't need any access to the 8 on top as they contained painted collections.  This would give me something to get on and fight through my plastic pile that has built up, not least with the Christmas additions.

My frame box isn't all 15mm Armour, there might be a couple of Tau sprues and Tomb Kings components as well.

Still in boxes (because there isn't any room in my frame box are this lot

The brown box has all the additional sprues that PSC have sent through as part of the pre-order reward scheme plus a couple of additional single sprues I though I needed.

With everything now back in one place it is time to restart the 20 minute challenge, or in this case hopefully a sprue/model a day.