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Saturday 24 March 2018

20 Minute Challenge - Day 81 - Day 88

Day 81 (17 March - 24 March)

Finally, finally completed the German Infantry

Friday 16 March 2018

20 Minute Challenge - Day 80

Day 80 (16 March)
More modern roadsigns. I have made up a sheet of all the locations in the "First Clash" book and will print these out as required.  For now a couple of different ideas using square and rounded signs (Square are obviously easier to cut out)

Thursday 15 March 2018

20 Minute Challenge - Day 79

Day 79 (15 March)
needed to take a break for the German infantry so had a look at a little bit of modern scatter terrain ideas.

Took the 6mm signs I made up for my 1985 Campaign and rescaled them for 15mm.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

20 Minute Challenge - Day 74 - Day 78

Day 74 (10 March) - Day 78 (14 March)
These Late War Germans are taking their toll on me.  My eyesight has definitely deteriorate over the years and I am having to use my optivisor for all painting tasks other than long distance spray coats for base coat and varnishing.  End is in sight though and now managed to get these to the basing stage.

Friday 9 March 2018

20 Minute Challenge - Day 67 - Day 73

Day 67 (3 March) to Day 73 (9 March)
40+ Late War German Infantry in progress. If I see another Zeltbahn it will be too soon.  I have also added the Feldjager section as well as some Assault Rifle armed figures to add in

Saturday 3 March 2018

20 Minute Challenge - Day 66

Day 66 - (2 March)
West German Infantry based and work on my Late War WW2 Germans progressed. 

Friday 2 March 2018

20 Minute Challenge - Day 65

Day 65 (2 March)
Just a trio of Jaguar tank destroyers.  I am looking at use the TOW launchers for my Canadian !! M113 Tow vehicles as drop ins

Thursday 1 March 2018

20 Minute Challenge - Day 64

Day 64 (1 March)

Airbrush set up is getting better but I am still struggling with the Vallejo air NATO black which refuses to flow regardless of the thinner is use.

Scratchbuilt Beobachtungspanzer and additional details added to the M113GA1