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Tuesday 28 August 2018


The BF M113 PanzerMorser uses the M106 as its base. Unfortunately, the Top hatch is a two piece rectangular opening. So I carved the standard M113 hull and printed some new top hatch covers.  The mortar itself needs a little bit of work.  I am also looking at a better way of doing the headlights this time around to make them more repeatable as I have a couple of M113 variants to do for my West Germans

West German - Gepards

A little more work done over the last couple of days on the pair of Flakpanzer Gepard A1/A2 that I have. More reliance on the Panzer-Model website which is an invaluable resource

Friday 24 August 2018

Decals going on

Work to add markings has now started as well as finishing off the tools, optics and minor details

Friday 17 August 2018

West German update

Update on the West Germans with the addition of some Luchs and Fuchs