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Wednesday 12 September 2012

Feet Dry - Feet Wet (Part 3)

Colours 2010
This was the first outing of the game in 2010. Due to Pete being selected to represent GB in Tae Kwon Do my 10 year old son and I ran the game on two days between us. We came away with the "Best Small Game" award so we were pretty chuffed.
We had been given a slot on the second floor with a 6x5 table which will be more than enough to put out the 4 x 5 game table and enough room for spare models and charts.

Because my "normal" USN aircraft have markings for the 1972 constellation cruise and Oriskany, I don't have aircraft for the 3rd Combat Cruise on Constellation in 1967. I have just started a quick project working up a set of markings for a pair of VF-143 "Pukin-Dogs" which I will see how they come out. If all else fails the 1972 aircraft will proxy in. Which they did in the end, I just didn't have time to make up more aircraft.

Newbury Show is now over! We attended both days and came away with "Winner of Best Small Game" which is a result. We ran approximately 9 sessions of the miniatures conversion with about 24 players attending (we catered for 3 attending each session) plus a number of one on one chats to people who didn't have time to play but wanted to know. Both Chris Russell (Thud Ridge author) and Paul (from Tumbling Dice) visited and gave us some good feedback.

Game was very well received and we were asked if we would put it on at Sheffield in May of next year which again was a surprise. All in all a good weekend gaming we learnt loads about the project ourselves and it has been very worthwhile. As there were only 2 of us doing the demo not a lot of photos, but have a look at these to keep you interested..

 Haiphong and Hanoi Hex complexes (yes Kien An is in the wrong place but we were only just setting up)



Game Markers

Player Briefing
Raid in progress. The yellow dice are for SAM partial acquisition. The green show how many SAM shots remain. The US package is threatened by 3 MiG flights. The dark blue hexes at the top of the mat are the entry and egress routes of hte bombers. The green hexes (3mm ply) are reversable (Green/Blue) and are used for the way points that the bombing and Recon flights have to follow. CAP and SEAD flights get to free range which is good from a demo game as it keeps the interest up: Yes Kien An is in the CORRECT place in this photo.

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