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Thursday 13 September 2012

WWII - 1940 - (Part 2 Luftwaffe)

Painting & Markings

I have no reference books to follow for ANY Battle of Britain Aircraft. This means I have to use internet sources until my book case adds a few more tomes. Painting 1/600th aircraft is easy but what makes the difference is the amount of detail you are prepared to add. For the Luftwaffe it is the aircraft art and aircraft serial numbers. Dom's Decals has more than enough range of markings but if you want tail markings you need to order the 1/300th pack and then use the smallest one in that pack as he doesn't "do" 1/600th specific due to size (probably).

In terms of decals for these aircraft, Doms Decals are providing the Balkan Kreuz and Tail Markings. I am doing the Fuselage codes as a home made project. I am going to use the Stab colours for each of the Gruppe as they appear to be either Blue or Green which I can print out. These use one of the German roadsign fonts that I have for 1/300 games printed out at 4.5pt with 0.5 pt character spacing. The red, white and yellow letters will have to come from i-94 enterprises or somewhere else

G1+AR From III./KG55 is the first test aircraft to be done. Using the WHITE USAF letters which I couldn't find a use for else where. The white appears slightly bigger so I will experiment (changed font to 4.5 Pt for the next ones). Also noted that the Balkan Crosses need to go slightly further forward to allow for the decal overhang, the current models can't have this done so will have to wait for the next packs to arrive from Dom.

Eye Candy

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