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Friday 12 October 2012

Group Build: - Communication - E-2C Part 1

Ummmm.  As I joined the Guild to get info on BG Kursk I was only vaguely aware of the other activities that appear in this illustrious organisation.  I am intrigued by the "Communication" group build announced.

I am thinking of an AEW aircraft as my theme, in 1/600th.  Probably something US Navy based purely for the aircraft art work.  Current thinking would be a "screwtops" aircraft.

Screwtops E-2C from USS Enterprise
The line drawing by Marcin Zieliński gives me some ideas of where to improve the Tumbling Dice model.  The Forward Fuselage seems to be a little short but will see as we go.
Markings and Colours
Decals needed.
MODEX 603 Forward Fuselage left and Right
MODEX 603 Top Wing
BuNo 5298 Tail left and Right
USS ENTERPRISE Fuselage left and Right
NAVY Fuselage left and Right
AB Top Wing
AB Tail Left and Right
Rescue in Yellow Left and right
Red Blade warning line
"T" Shape top of wing
National Insignia Top Wing
National Insignia Fuselage Left and Right
Colours seem to be a gloss scheme which might mean being able to leave the model with the top varnish coat or a satin rather than a dullcote finish
Bare Metal
Cleaning up thinning down the metal will be over the weekend

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