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Sunday 25 November 2012

WOTR - The Collection

My 20% discounted order from the nice people at Peter Pig has now arrived.  This takes my WOTR collection to 641 Foot and 44 Mounted figures.Over 400 of these are painted to a standard that I am not embarrassed to put on the table and game with.

Painted, Based and ready for gaming (286 Figures)
12 Captains (30 Figures)
36 Bases of Foot troops (108 Figures)
48 Bases of Archers (144 Figures)

Painted, Based and to be added to the core units above (164 Foot Figures, 34 Mounted)
9 Bases of Bodyguard (27 Figures)
2 Bases of Archers (6 Figures)
4 Bases of Foot troops (12 Figures)
5 Bases of Crossbowmen (15 Figures)
16 Bases of Household (48 Figures)
6 Bases of Household Captains (18 Figures)
10 Generals (30 Figures)
6 Bases of Retinue Cavalry (12 Mounted Figures)
8 Bases of Household Cavalry (16 Mounted Figures)
3 Bases of Mounted Captains (6 Mounted Figures)
2 Bases of Light Guns (8 Figures)

Unpainted sat in the box (191 Foot Figures, 10 Mounted)
1 Mounted Royal (2 Mounted Figures)
2 General Casualties (4 Figures)
5 "Amusing" Figures
4 Mounted Standard Bearers
4 Mounted Captains
26 Retinue Foot
41 Archers
14 Standard Bearers
3 Household troops
42 Command Figures (Captains)
3 Trumpeters
4 Drummers
9 Crossbowmen
24 Levy foot troops
16 Handgunners


  1. That´s some massive army!!! What are the "amusing" figs?

  2. Hi Paul, Martin produces a pack (Range 23 Pack 29 IIRC) of figures entitled "Amusing Figures" This pack includes 3 poses; one man holding a pig under his arm and an axe; one has a wooden leg brandishing a sword and the final figure being fully armoured (visor up) holding a severed head.
