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Thursday 8 November 2012

WOTR - Quick Painting

While I know that my War Of The Roses forces have sat in a box unloved for too long, the act of redecorating meant that my storage trays were downstairs.  As a result of "just" looking I decided, with some gentle prodding I may add, that they could do with getting a few more units completed.

With some 120+ figures still needing to be completed I looked for a cheating method.  Lets see how this goes.

The "unpainted" figures actually have a white undercoat on already so at least I am not starting from bare metal.  They are also stuck on bases but in the vast majority of cases that is as far as I have travelled.

First up are 5 bases of Crossbowmen.  I gave them a quick coating, all over, of German Orange Ochre.  May be a strange colour but some of the completed figures have the old GW Foundation Tau Sept Ochre on them so this might not be too far off the mark.

Next step will be to add all the metal armour
Then the flesh

Then add some the livery colours and the odd piece of clothing to break them up.

So 2032Z and the figures are in the airing cupboard drying.

Now 2050Z and the metal and flesh done. This includes helmets, breast plates on a couple and the Crossbow bolts and the "end" piece

In terms of livery I have no idea what to do on these as there are only five bases.  Probably keep in simple and a straight white and red split.

So here we are at 2130Z with the unit 75% finished and certainly good enough to go on a table.  Need to do the wood on the Crossbows in a lighter colour, and add some variety to the trouser legs.

I think I have found the solution to the white pile of these.  Let see how we get on in part 2 over the weekend with the Longbows and the Retinues

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