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Saturday 2 February 2013

DT - Variant - Eagles - Background (Pt 2)

Chronology - Major Days

The IrAF initial attacks were spread across a number of Iranian regions.  I have now broken them down into rough areas in order to possibly playout each region (providing it offers some variety in doing so).
  • 22 Sep 80.  The Iraqi Airforce attacks 8 airbases, 5 airports and 4 army locations. Attacks comprise 192 aircraft (one source states that 50% of these sorties were MiG-23BN), the second wave comprised approximately 60 aircraft:
        • West Azerbaijan Province
          • Urmia/Uromiyeh/Orumiyeh
            • 1330hrs 5 MiG-21 attack the barracks and Landing Strip at Oumiyeh
            • 1350hrs Second formation attack on the barracks
          • Piranshahr
            • U/I Attack

        • East Azerbaijan Province
          • Tabriz (TFB.2) – Defences include RAPIER AAGW
            • 1st Wave 1353hrs 8 Hunters attack TFB.2 and airport
            • 2nd Wave 6 Su-20 & 2+ MiG-21 Intercepted by 2 F-5E
          • Tabriz Radar Station
            • U/I
          • Tabriz Refinery
            • U/I
          • Tabriz Thermal Power Plant
            • U/I
        • Kermanshah Province
          • Kermanshah Airport
            • 1st Wave 1415hrs 5+ aircraft attacked for 20 minutes
            • 2nd Wave attack reported
          • Bakhtaran/Kermanshah (reported as being 1st Corps HQ location)
            • 1st Wave 1415hrs 5+ Fighter Bombers attack Kermanshah airport
          • Qassre-Shirin area
            • U/I Attack
            • 2nd Wave attack reported

        • Illam Province
          • Tu-16 reported as being shot down near Sar-e-pol-e-Zahab (Ilam) on route
          • Illam reported as 2nd wave target but no details

        • Hamedan Province
          • Nojeh (Hamedan) (TFB.3)
            • 1st Wave 1345hrs Main package attacks Su-20 and MiG-21 reported
            • 2nd Wave 4 MiG-23BN and 2 Unspecified Sukhoi Attack both Nojeh and Hamedan Airport. 2nd Wave reports mentioned 3 MiG-23 attacking Nojeh
          • Hamedan civil airport
            • 1st Wave 1345hrs 4 U/I attack
          • Assad-Abad Satellite Communications Station. (Intercepted by IRIAF fighters)

        • Khuzestan Province
          • Abadan Refinery
            • Section of Su-20 aircraft attack refinery
          • Ahwaz International Air Port
            • 1st Wave 1345 4 Su-20 attack (Rockets and Iron Bombs)
            • 2nd Wave 1440hrs 2 Su-7
          • Ahwaz Radar Station
            • 1st Wave 1350hrs Radar Station
          • Abadan City, Airport, Jetties, refinery, Oil Pumping station
            • U/I Attacks
          • Ahvaz (not reported as operational air base in 1980, possibly means the al-Jufair barracks or typo for Ahwaz but if so then this MiG-23 attack is not referenced elsewhere)
            • 6 MiG-23 attack
          • Aghajari dispersal
            • U/I Attacks
          • Bandar-e Mahshahr
            • 4 Su-20 are intecepted by 2 F-4E from Bushehr.
          • Dezful (TFB.4)
            • 1st Wave 1400hrs attacked twice at short intervals
            • 2nd Wave (1440hrs?) reported that 2 sections of 2 Su-20 attacked Dezful
          • Kerendi EWR Station
            • 1 Tu-22B attacks Khoramshahr and Port Installations
            • U/I Attacks
          • Omidiyeh AB
            • 1st Wave (1440hrs?) 2 sections of 2 aircraft attack
            • 2nd Wave 1500hrs 2 sections of UI aircraft
          • Masjed Soleiman
            • 1515hrs UI Large Attack Force attack the Helicopter base

        • Bushehr Province
            • Bushehr
              • 1st Wave 1400hrs conducted by MiG-23BN.
              • Evening Raid by MiG-23BN reported as last attack of the day
            • Bushehr Naval Facilities
              • Raid on naval facilities simultaneous with 1st Wave attack
              • Evening Raid attacks
            • 4 Su-20 intercepted by 2 F-4E from Bushehr (3 Su-20 reported as lost)
        • Tehran Province
            • Doshen-Tappen/Doshen Tapeh/Doshan Tappeh
              • 1st Wave attack Target
            • Merhabad (Tehran) (TFB.1)
              • 1st Wave 1420hrs 2 flights of 3 MiG-23 Attack (At least 2 MiG-23BN reported as being present and reported that only one flight reached the target).
              • 2nd Wave – 4 MiG-23BN and 2 Unspecified Sukhoi Attack at 1500
            • Merhabad Fuel Depot (not sure if this is at TFB.1)
              • 1 Tu-22B attacks

        • Esfahan Province
            • Isfahan/Esfahan/Khatami
              • U/I Attacks
              • Tu-16 reported as being shot down near Sar-e-pol-e-Zahab (Ilam) on route to this target

        • Kordestan Province
          • Sanandaj Airport
            • U/I attack

        • Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province
          • Shahre-Kurd Sugar Factory
            • 1420hrs Single U/I Bomber dropping 12 Bombs

        • Target Locations not yet identified
          • Khosro-Abad Barracks
            • 1st Wave 1400hrs 4+ Su-20
          • Nakhjir EWR
            • U/I Attack
          • Islamabad West
            • U/I Attacks
            • 2nd Wave attack reported
    IRIAF Counter Attacks
        • TFB.6
          • 2 F-4E attack Um-ol-Qassr, 20 minutes later overflight by RF-4E.
          • 2 F-4E attack Baghdad
          • 2 F-4E attack naval force approaching Bushehr
        • 1600 – 1800hrs 60 F-4 and F-5 aircraft reported as launching additional counter attacks
          • Al-Rashid Air base – 31st TFW tasked F-4E
          • Kut Air Base
          • Basrah airport
          • Khaled-Ibn-Walid Bridge
          • Ground attack units
          • Zubair Petrochemical plant attacked
          • Shaibah/Shoibiyah/Shoaibah Air Base 4 F-4E from Bushehr late afternoon
        • Additional 20 F-5? Provide ground support

    [i] Cooper/Bishop P72

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