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Saturday 7 September 2013

North West Frontier Action Pt 1

Fort Longhope is a British outpost established to protect the establishment of a defined border.  Its garrison consisting of a reinforced company from 4th Punjab Infantry PFF with two troops of cavalry from 2nd Punjab Cavalry PFF and a section of mountain guns from No.1 (Kohat) Battery have been conducting patrols into the surrounding villages and surveying the region.  The establishment of the Fort and the presence of a defined border has caused friction with the local tribes who see their way of life being threatened.  This friction has been enflamed by the activities of a local Mullah who has been exerting the Uzbek tribes remove the Infidels from the region and protect their heritage.

On 3rd September 1887, a force from the fort was attacked during a patrol to the village of FARAH investigating the murder of an Indian farmer and theft of cattle from the British side of the border. During the withdrawl Lt London (Royal Field Artillery) and Lt Leverett (10th Hussars) on secondment to 4th Punjab Infantry were mortally wounded.

The Fort is now beseiged by Pathan tribesmen from the Village of FARAH and relief from the British base at CHAPMANABAD is being assembled.  In the villages and tribal areas surrounding the valley and fort the revolt gathers momentum as neighbouring tribes put aside local feuds and focus attentions on the British.  There is always time for revenge.

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