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Sunday 3 November 2013

1985 Campaign - West German Forces (General modelling)

Part of the campaign idea that I was pursuing was a WP attack with limited NATO reaction time.  Not the attack out of barracks that was feared but something with less than 7 days notice and with possibly only 12 - 24hours actual warning of combat operations.  As such the WG elements scattered across the 1 Br Corps operational area would have to compete with British units moving Eastwards while they complete their moves to the I Ge Corps area North of the British.

My WG forces have the 3 colour scheme, which is slightly early for 1985 but I do recall some camouflage schemes being present on the 332 Pz Gr Bn marders at Wesendorf in the period 1983 - 1984.  IIRC the Div HQ of 1 Pz was in green though during Ex Lionheart in 1984.

A sample of the equipment types and general schemes present ahead of actual units being added to the blog latter.


Overall shot of general equipment types

Auflkarung Units

 Gepard (again)


Close up of the GHQ Model

Paint scheme is overall Vallejo reflective green.  Black Grey and Calthan Brown then a light dry brush with Russian Green.  The map symbols come from Tom Mouat.

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