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Wednesday 11 December 2013

Central Front - BAOR - Turn 1 Phase 1

BAOR Campaign – Solo War Diary Race for the Weser

Initial Air Supremacy 21.2 – Decided to replace this with a simple roll off against turn number.  So on Turn 1 they have air supremacy but roll a D6 if the roll equals the turn number they are on then the following turn it is normal Air Supremacy.  This increases the Fog of War as this is being played solo.

21.4 Warsaw Pact March Order.  The deployment into Battle formation should only occur when attacking at least a NATO Battalion.  As such the WP must follow the March order until such a combat occurs.  This keeps the WP loosely aligned with doctrine.  RAG counter does not exist but may be replaced with a SP Arty Bn which can then be stacked with a WP Unit.

21.6 NATO Corps Artillery.  This SSR is not in force as there is no way of assigning the requisite orders to this in real life (AFAIK) so each Nation can only call upon assets of its own nationality.

22.4 Warsaw Pact paradrop options.  With the realignment of the 1 Be Corps units which were based in FRG in 1985 Option B only affects units of 1st Infantry Division.

Entry Hexes:

WP set up opposite the entry hexes prior to the WP Pre-Emptive strike rolls.

207 MRD will enter in one column using:
2751 :41 MRR, 33 MRR, DAG, Ind Tk, AT, 400MRR, 16G TR

6 MotorSchutzenDivision enter in two columns using:
1246: 61MRR, 63 MRR
1247: 62MRR, 62 TR, DAG, Ind Tk, AT

10 MotorSchutzenDivision enter in one column using:
0644 : 103 MRR, 101 MRR, DAG, Ind Tk, AT, 102 MRR, 10 TR

35 MRD enter in one column using:
0944 : 64 MRR, 69 MRR, DAG, Ind Tk, AT, 83 MRR, 219 TR

SSR 21.5 Warsaw Pact Pre-Emptive Strike.  The WP elected to conduct strikes against:
331      (6-1=5) down to a 4 as it is a battalion
333      (2-1=1)
334      (2-1=1)
21        (4-1=3)
22        (4-1=3)
23        (3-1=2)
25        (1-1=0)
1 RTR (1-1=0)
1 AAC (5-4=4)
14        (4-1=3)
11        (2-1=1)
211      (2-1=1)
212      (6-1=5) down to 4 as it is a battalion
213      (2-1=1)
214      (3-1=2)
215      (3-1=2)
217      (5-1=4)
7 Aufkl (6-1=5) down to 4 as it is a battalion
1 QLR (1-1=0)
3 RHA (1-1=0)
3 RTR (1-1=0)
4/7 DG            (5-1=4)
RHG/D            (2-1=1)
4 AAC (1-1=0)

Air Power Segment (4) so WP will have Air Superiority next turn as well.
12 AP

1 Interdiction Point 3942, 3936, 3521, 3520, 1130, 1131, 2101, 2901, 3939

Situation at the end of the WP 1st Movement Phase.

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