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Wednesday 26 February 2014

WWII - DAK Tester Figures

Pete and I had a chat the other night about why we have never done the Western Desert in WWII.  Neither of us could think of a valid reason seeing as we were both brought up on the period and it was the de riguer topic in most of the wargames books.

Anyway seeing as how plastic kits are dirt cheap and things like CoC and TW@T etc deal with low level forces I fancied seeing what they look like.  The bonus being that I wont need a lot of complicated terrain pieces.  Anything I do make up will fit easily in with either the NWF or Sudan colonial items I have already which will be of benefit

A couple of tester shots of some PP DAK Figures which I ordered as I couldn't find enough in my spares box

VJ Russian Uniform washed over a white undercoat.  Head swapped on one of the MC Riders and also covered over the boot joint with some liquid green stuff as the riders aren't dressed for the desert.

figures finished with a agrax earthshade wash.  Need to find some more Green Ochre paint and couldn't fnd any in my paint box and had to substitute in VJ Tan Yellow.  Which I am not overly happy with.  The figures could probably do with an Iraqi Sand dry brush prior to the wash as well just to dusty things and lighten the uniform colour which I think is a little too dark.. 

1 comment:

  1. nice! I like them.The colors of the uniforms are perfect. Remember to use also the pink color for the terrain... ;-)
