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Thursday 28 May 2015

Downtown - D4 - USAF Planning Pt 2

This is my rough flight plan that might refined over the next 24 hours.  Very simple idea, turn down behind Thud Ridge on the deck at speed 4.  Drop bombs, go to 'burner and run for home.  EB-66 flights will fly an eliptical orbit north of the Ridge protected by two flights of CAP, which can also provide protection to the strike force.  MiGCAP to be established over the ridge screening Hoa Lac, Phuc Yen and Gia Lam.  Nothing is going to come down from Kep as it is the solo rules (not to self that I want to look at a mechanism about how to handle visual IDs on airfields as that affects how aircraft get generated.

As to aircraft, they are all painted up.  Two F-105F WW are getting a paint refresh tonight to lighten an old paint job, but if I don't get around to it they are painted anyway.  Might paint a couple of F-4Cs as I will need them for some future scenarios.  I also want to get some terrain painted as well especially as I will be using the rough terrain to hide in.

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