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Tuesday 22 March 2016

WOTR - "The White Swans - 1459"

Next up in my War of the Roses games is the campaign set in 1459 titled "The White Swans".

This will set the next set of painting priority and any purchases from Salute in April (unless I have everything I need :)  I had messed around with this before over a year ago but we never fought out the battles or finished the campaign game.  So a restart is required.

Lancastrian Forces
Humphrey Stafford - Duke of Buckingham
John Talbot - Earl of Shrewsbury
James Butler - Earl of Wiltshire
John Beaumont - Viscount Beaumont
James Touchet - Baron Audley
Henry Holland - Duke of Exeter
Henry Beaufort - Earl of Somerset
Thomas Courtenay - 14th Earl of Devon
Henry Percy - 3rd Earl of Northumberland
Thomas Percy - Baron Ergemont
Ralph Neville - Earl of Westmoreland
William Fitzalan - Earl of Arundel
Jasper Tudor - Earl of Pembroke

Yorkist Forces
Richard Plantagenet - Duke of York
Edward Plantagenet - Ealr of March
Walter Devereux - Baron Ferrers
Richard Neville - Earl of Warwick
John Neville - Baron Montague
Richard Neville - Earl of Salisbury
Andrew Trollope - 
John Mowbray - Duke of Norfolk
Henry Bourchier - Viscount Bourchier
William Herbert - Baron Herbert
John Clinton - Baron Clinton
Richard Grey of Powis

Thomas Stanley - Baron Stanley

The next post will give a snapshot of the Nobles completed and their riding retinues which will give me an idea of what else I will need.  I am still working up the Gonnes after sorting through my spares box and they are the next scheduled unit on the painting table after I finish 15 Pikemen :)

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