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Friday 14 April 2017

BG Kursk - Eating into the Plastic

I had a cunning plan today to try and get through a couple of boxes and reduce the plastic pile.  Unfortunately I ran out of liquid cement and the supposedly spare bottle on the shelf was empty....grrr

I needed to try and sort out two Armoured Platoons for the Campaign scenarios and I had a good look through my book and found some good shots including these two pictures.  Which I am going to use as a basis for the platoons.  The top one is Das Reich and I am not sure of the bottom one.  What I do know is that there is one of a Panzer IV (618) which is dragging one with same log attachments out of a ditch.

So the two models are based on the PSC Sdkfz 251/C model.  For both 37mm guns I took these from the PSC 250 Alte kit as the one on the 251/D support kit is very chunky.  The 250 Alte kit also has the smaller gun shield which had the right hand side cut down.  The logs come from the Peter Pig T-34 Stowage kit and while possible a bit chunky were in my spares box and I didn't have to go looking for something. Track links are on the normal sprue.

The other models that I managed to put together was a Marder III Sdkfz 138 Ausf H. Again in the Campaign scenario I need five of these (the books says a mix of H and M but I haven't found a M variant in plastic yet) and a straightforward Sdkfz 251/C.  Again the kursk book shows a number of different stowage options and I have chosen to use a pair of white metal rolled tarpaulins that I had picked up from somewhere (I think they are from The Scene)

The PSC Marder kit isn't my favourite one to put together as my manual dexterity isn't good and there was a bit of fiddling to get everything in place. I haven't added any stowage to this yet.

Not as much done as I would have liked. I might take a walk into town later

As I couldn't eat into the plastic to any degree I sorted out my German spares box

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