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Tuesday 15 August 2017

Battle Group Market-Garden

something new, well mostly new. BG Market-Garden is in the pipeline and I fancied a break from the Eastern Front.  Yes, all because I watched "A Bridge Too Far" while doing my ironing the other day.

I already have late war British Infantry for the "Garden" Element, so just need a bit of armour support for the push up the road.  

Market however will be something that needs a bit more work.  I have "some" 15mm Peter Pig paratroops in my spares box but they are all specialist troops and I didn't find the cost of metal attractive so I have added a box each of the PSC plastic 15mm Paratroops and Heavy Weapons. Peter Pig will be providing the jeeps in three variants, trailers, 75mm Howitzers, more "specials" and spares heads such as: bandaged heads, Polish, Para Helmets and bare heads.  Stretchers, Para Containers in include inthe "specials" category.

I am NOT adding the US Airborne to this project (at the moment ;) )

No photos yet.  This is just to set the scene and layout some ideas for essentially an Infantry force up against my Late War Germans supported with some really odd pieces such as Char B2 (f) Tanks.

I don't have the Overlord book yet. It is on pre-order. so very much a "be prepared to..." set of thoughts:

  • Forward Headquarters Units
    • Forward HQ - 3 Men based around the Peter Pig Signals Jeep.
    • Forward Signals - Doesn't fit the Arnhem theme
    • Comms Relay - Again doesn't seem to fit
    • DR on a Welbike or Jeep
    • Wire Team could be possible but I don't know what figures I could use.
  • Infantry Units (Peter Pig and PSC)
    • Parachute or Gliderborne Infantry Platoon (10 man sections inc Bren)
      • Combat Medic (Probably a conversion)
      • 2" Mortar (PSC/Peter Pig)
      • PIAT (PSC/Peter Pig)
      • 3" Mortar (PSC/Peter Pig)
      • 6 Pdr (PSC Airborne variant and Peter Pig tow)
    • Parachute Squadron, RE
      • Same supports as Inf.
      • Flamethrower team(s) from (PSC/Peter Pig)
  • No Tank Units
  • Artillery Units
    • FOO possibly with a Peter Pig Signals Jeep
    • 4.2" Mortar (Reported as being present but a bit haven't found any definitive reference)
    • 75mm Airborne Howitzer
  • Defences
    • Standard list
  • Reconnaissance Support Units
    • Sniper
    • Jeep Reconnaissance Patrol (Peter Pig Airborne variant or the Airborne Recce)
    • Foot Patrol (10 Figure PSC/Peter Pig)
  • Logistic Support Units
    • Forward Aid Post
    • Stretcher Party
  • Specialist Support Units
    • 17 Pdr AT Gun
    • Recce Jeep with Polsten cannon (Needs a conversion)
  • Additional Fire Support
    • Off-Table support request
    • 75mm Howitzer Battery
    • PRTP
    • Timed 75mm Barrage

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