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Sunday 27 August 2017

Battlegroup Market Garden - Next Batch

This is the next batch to head off to be undercoated.

This will be the first aid tent.  Yes there isn't a tent.  Stretchers from the Generic range, smock figure from the gun crew set and the three other medics will have para helmet head swaps

This is what the Airborne 6 Pdr gun should look like.  Peter Pig did their research and it is a cracking model.  Behind it are the first of the figures in trenches. Waiting for the trench obviously.

Couple of other pieces
Combat Medics. One is for my LW Brits the other is for 1st Airborne. Same concept use a dead figure from the casualty set and then add the kneeling medic for the LW Brit set. 1st Airborne will have a head swap either a beret of a helmet.

1 comment:

  1. You gotta love Peter pig figures. Great range of sculpts.
