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Thursday 20 September 2018

Team Yankee - ITV Section

Having a couple of spare hull tops and loads of components I have looked at options for the M901 ITV.

The top one is straight out of the box.  It is there as a guide for what else needs/could be done.

The lower one is in the stowed for travel position.  I have also repositioned the antenna mount from the front right to the rear part of the hull.  The side plates are included because I have seen them on the 3-Colour drawings of the M901 and change the hull top from a standard M113.  What I also need to find is the reload sequence as I might want to have the top hatch open/crewed on future versions.

Added some stowage and test mounted it on a M113A3 hull that I had lying around to check how it looks.  I have also now added the M60 MG to the commanders hatch

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