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Wednesday 3 October 2018

World at War - Playtesting

Couple of ideas tried out on the play test.  Team Yankee (9 Models plus infantry) vs Soviets.  The terrain increment needs to be at least 4".  The 3" just ends up cramming everything into a very small space and doesn't look good.  Trying to replicate the actual maps isn't a good idea either as my collection isn't that exact.  I am also not sold on the idea of NATO being that clever and getting two activation attempts a turn and the Soviets just one especially when the Soviets don't get elements such as Combat Recce Patrols or Forward Security Elements.  But as this is my interpretation of how the core rules could support a different game I can always add these concepts in.  However, the game does have a "designated formation" marker in the later supplements so I am going to add this in for the next play test and give each side the ability to activate again and see how it works.  I need a few more terrain pieces and roads.  The next set will be customised a bit to allow some greater flexibility.

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