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Wednesday 19 December 2018

Sdkfz 251/3D from Wacht Am Rhein

This is where I have reached in mocking up a Sdkfz 251/3D for my Late War Germans primarily for Wacht Am Rhein.  It is a bit different and might not survive being a gaming model.

Following some research ably assisted by the nice people on The Wargamers Forum This is what I am going with.

PSC Sdkfz 251D mated to the telescopic antenna from the PSC 8 Rad kit which in turn sits onto of a 0.6mm brass tube.  I have used a spare Stern Antenna for this.  The research says thatere was a Sternantenna on the RHS Mounted Internally as well as the 1.2m antenna on the Forward left so I will hve a look at mounting something later.  Problem is that I want a crew figure there so I might put something on the forward right instead.  Not sure about making the roof supports.

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