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Sunday 23 December 2018

Sdkfz 234/2 90% done

90% complete. I need to go and look at the exhaust colour on this otherwise it is done.  Kept this one a lot simpler and only went with the Reseda Opt B over the DGIII basecoat. Tan Filter and a brown pin wash.

Sdkfz 251/3 Finished

for now anyway.  I don't want to spend much more time on this which will only appear in a couple of games.

Thursday 20 December 2018

Sdkfz 251/3 ausf D update

update. took a couple of photos through the optivisor lenses. result :)

Panzer IV J

The Wacht Am Rhein book has the need for a pair of Panzer IV J.  I don't know enough about the variant and all its differences so this is my approximation.

Bit of styrene strip and new cuploas added (from the PSC Panther kit) for a one piece look.  Apart from that nothing else

Pre shading

DGI 1944 Base coat

With Reseda Green and the Rotbraun from MiG

Sat waiting to move up the pile

KG Peiper and Late War Progress

Managed a quick bit of airbrush time last night.  Base coat on.

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Sdkfz 251/3D from Wacht Am Rhein

This is where I have reached in mocking up a Sdkfz 251/3D for my Late War Germans primarily for Wacht Am Rhein.  It is a bit different and might not survive being a gaming model.

Following some research ably assisted by the nice people on The Wargamers Forum This is what I am going with.

PSC Sdkfz 251D mated to the telescopic antenna from the PSC 8 Rad kit which in turn sits onto of a 0.6mm brass tube.  I have used a spare Stern Antenna for this.  The research says thatere was a Sternantenna on the RHS Mounted Internally as well as the 1.2m antenna on the Forward left so I will hve a look at mounting something later.  Problem is that I want a crew figure there so I might put something on the forward right instead.  Not sure about making the roof supports.

Monday 17 December 2018

Wacht Am Rhein Germans

Are getting towards the top of the painting queue and an occasional dip into FOTR and SA has meant that odds have been done already.  Need to get and finish these (and base the infantry which are already painted).