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Wednesday 22 July 2020

Crete - Objective Markers Part 2 - Airborne Assault

So I have managed to get things underway after the first one (far right). Another three made up and now just need the canister to be added and the parachute lines weighted down into the terrain. 
I have made two weapon/ammo containers and a general supplies one which is the four that I need for the scenario.  

I have tried a couple of different ideas out such as a tree. Just to break up the terrain while still keeping it semi arid.  Hopefully when I get these flocked up tomorrow it will all come together. Overall I am reasonably happy with how these have come out (effectively for free) using 3D Components and material I had around the workbench already.

In progressn with the UV Cured canopies being tested for fit to the MDF bases.

The Version 1 container which seems a little flat so will have a look at tufts when I do the other three tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Those are looking great already.

    The tree, and a few bits of scrub or rocks certainly help to break up the "flat" of the terrain without taking away from the main objective here, which is to make some obvious markers.
