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Sunday 19 July 2020

Fallschirmjager - Forward HQ Units

Forward HQ Units:

The options for Crete are quite limited compared to some other forces. You tend to find that Forward HQ units are unique or in some cases are consumed as you use them.  The FJ will be hard pressed without some artillery or air support.  Radio communications in 1941 for an airborne assault were fraught with difficulties.

Forward HQ itself.  This will need 3-5 men. It will need an officer, Radio comms and figures to represent the HQ staff and runners who are trying to coordinate the rest of the battle group.

Luftwaffe Air Liaison Officer.  Small 2 man team coordinating the air support. Another radioman and a command figure needed.

Forward Signals Unit and Comms Relay Team (s). More small teams. The FSU is 3 men and the CRT just 2.  They are needed to beef up your chances of getting that vital support in the early stages of the assault from either your air or artillery support.

Air Superiority.  Not a unit but game flavour.  This allows the FJ to have control of the sky and gives more of a reason to take the ALO and the FSU/CRT.

Figure and modelling options

The HQ pack (710) has four poses and includes two radio sets.  There is also a figure with a luftwaffe peaked cap. Three of these figures could also have head swaps to vary the options.

Other options are:


and if I keep most of these kneeling or prone then one of the figures from
(718) could also be used.

 or even (714) has an option or two

For all of these to work they would have needed to recover their equipment from a couple of supply containers which would let me build some form of vignette.  There are two options (716/717) or I might make my own 3D models and print them off.

Forward Signals Unit/Comms Relay Teams

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