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Sunday 31 January 2021

Kiss Me Hardy - First time past the headland

So I threw two brigs on the table.  Took KMH, the companion guide for small ships "To Covet Glory", The AGC Movement wheel and table for controlling an AI Ship and some dice.

All laid out ready to go.  This is a 4' 6" x 2' board which I only really used 3'x2' of for this engagement

I had some small playing cards, which were quickly pressed into service

The turning circles were printed on paper rather than card. This let me bend or fold them out of the way when ships were in close proximty
The small ships companion makes small ship v small ship more viable.  Damage was constantly being added. A couple of of errors made, but an enjoyable game

The AI can very aggressive. "Blue" in in a position to deliver a bow rake, if timing is right and they reload quick enough.

One thing that I found was the need to read the narrative in some of the rules a little more as nested strings of rules aren't necessarily that clear (to me anyway)

Wednesday 27 January 2021

Basing ships

 I threw these pictures up quickly but didn't put any text around them.

This was to try out some ideas.  The bases are from Fluid3D .  

On top of the base is some Vallejo water effect gel which was spread thinly with a paint brush and just left to dry. It is white until it dries so the picture below is only semi-cured.

For the next one, this is the same gel but has been tinted with some Vallejo Periscope colour.  Same method of application and left to dry.

Now I have seen them both fully cured and on a table, I prefer the plain base as the model stands out slightly more.  So I will probably do the rest in the same manner (and it is easy enough to take the gel off the base and redo the other one if needed).  More lessons identified for the Frigates which are being slowly progressed as I learn techniques using the brigs.

Tuesday 19 January 2021

1/700th Age of Sail - Brig

 Wading through my stash of kits I found the Warlord Games "Frigates and Brigs".  Two frigates and four brigs.  I have the odd set of rules and I couldn't face the pile of 15mm Austrians I have to do so spent a day throwing one together and then looking at what I can do to improve the speed and/or look

First of the Brigs. Kit goes together very quickly. I painted this once I assembled the hull but for future ones I will paint as much on the sprue as possible.  White undercoat and then:

  • VJ Old Wood.
  • VJ Black Grey
  • MiG Golden Yellow
  • Army Painter Soft Tone - Over everything
  • Army Painter Dark Tone - Just over the black.
  • MiG Red
  • VJ Flat Yellow Highlight (which is quite bright!)

Masts were painted and superglued in place

rigging added

Getting close to finished. This is 90% complete as I haven't put the ratlines on yet.

The second Brig has been started. I airbrushed as much as I could on the sprue (this is the frigate but you can see the idea)

Deck was painted separately and then fitted

Waiting for the next stage to be done which will be the cannon barrels and then the washes.

Spring Awakening additions

 Two sections of infantry added to my LW Spring awakening forces.  Can also be used for Wacht Am Rhein and FOTR games at a push.

Monday 4 January 2021

Wet Palette


Homemade wet palette made out of a clip lid container. Blotting paper and baking sheet used.  I take the sheet off every couple of days and just resoak the paper layer.  This keeps wet about a week or so (I have a very warm painting room/office)

Friday 1 January 2021


 As I can't find anyone with figures in smocks, I have been trying my hand at greenstuff.