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Wednesday 27 January 2021

Basing ships

 I threw these pictures up quickly but didn't put any text around them.

This was to try out some ideas.  The bases are from Fluid3D .  

On top of the base is some Vallejo water effect gel which was spread thinly with a paint brush and just left to dry. It is white until it dries so the picture below is only semi-cured.

For the next one, this is the same gel but has been tinted with some Vallejo Periscope colour.  Same method of application and left to dry.

Now I have seen them both fully cured and on a table, I prefer the plain base as the model stands out slightly more.  So I will probably do the rest in the same manner (and it is easy enough to take the gel off the base and redo the other one if needed).  More lessons identified for the Frigates which are being slowly progressed as I learn techniques using the brigs.


  1. No explication of from where you acquired the bases, whether the wave effects are integral to the base or applied, your choice of paints and painting technique?

    It looks like a good result, but I truly would like to know how you arrived at it.

    1. I was in a bit of a rush. I have now updated the article. Really enjoying experimenting

  2. Thank you!

    I do like both versions, but probably prefer some color on the base, myself. I may have to try it, using some opaque colors.
