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Monday 14 February 2022

DAK - Sdkfz 233 8 Rad

 There are a couple of photos of the Sdkfz 233 in North Afrika.  They weren't manufactured until late 1942 so for my purposes would only appear in the Torch book for late North Africa or Tunisia.

I started off with a base model that had sat around in the started but not finished pile for a long time and had an DG and OG camo scheme on it.  I washed it and gave it a good scrub and threw some AK Gelb Braun (RAL 8000) on it.  This is the same RAL 8000 that I have used on my 88s.

Problem with research is that the AK colour doesn't match.  Their RC range has a different interpretation of the colour and I was bit torn between repainting models again or going with a bit of a hybrid. I wasn't happy with the placement of the stowage either to be fair.

So I stripped off the crate, tarpaulin and spare wheel and started again

The spare wheel was drilled out from both sides and superglued into the correct place.  The plastic glue marks were sanded and filed where possible.  The superstructure was then given a patchy overspray of my Tamiya RAL8000 Mix which is a lot darker.  The model was then given the chipping treatment to try and disguise any marks that hadn't been completely rectified.

Now onto the putting different stowage on it.

Original model

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