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Wednesday 23 January 2013

Nightfighter - AAR - Scenario 7 (Serrate)

We played Scenario 7 tonight which took about 20 minutes.  It pits a single RAF Mosquito NF.II up against 28 Royal Canadian Air Force Halifax Bombers and 2 Luftwaffe Ju88C-6.

This isn't a standard scenario as the Umpire controls both the Luftwaffe and the Bombers.  The RAF job is to determine out of the 30 aircraft possibly on the table which ones are the Nightfighters and shoot one of them down.  The Scenario is rated as Normal which means it is relatively straightforward.

In the programmed learning this one introduces Serrate as a Search Radar, which behaves in exactly the same manner as all other search radars, the exception being that it can only be placed in the Wide Arc rather than anywhere on the board.  The Mosquito is also equipped with AI Radar with a range of two hexes.

There is a special rule in the scenario which affects Tallying.  On a tally a second D6 is rolled on a 5+ you cannot differentiate between German/RCAF so you can engage but you take the risk.  The RAF automatically lose if they shoot down a Halifax by mistake.

The RCAF also treat the Mosquito as hostile!

I elected to enter on Turn 3.  The Umpire had entered the first Ju88 on Turn 2 (it has to enter by Turn 6).  My idea was to scan ahead (and yes the Umpire can create false contacts if no Lichtenstein equipped aircraft is on the table).  Keep my speed down and do some S turns before confirming up the location of first JU.

Things went well and I started picking up serrate indications off to the RHS of the board.  The umpire had selected Red entry hexes and I had started in Column 10.

As I had played Scenario 10 a few days ago I tried to emulate the Intruder "Serrate Behaviour" which sees gradual side slips and increasing speed to firm up.  This seemed to work well and but I kept at speed 3 for a while.

I finally get into a postion where I have an AI fix and a Serrate indication so I placed a NF Marker on the table.

Next turn I accelerated and moved the Serrate counter into my hex to firm up the contact.  Ooops, that is a Halifax on my screen the NF must be just in front of it (or slight off to the RHS).  The Serrate didn't get a contact and showed the emissions still ahead of me.  I changed the fix marker to a Halifax.

Dropping the fix means that the Umpire can move the Bomber to add to the Fog Of War, which he obligingly did when removing it from the playing surface.  I had spent two turns on this contact and the end of the table was rapidly approaching.

As I only had a NF.II the speed is 4* and luckily this turn I could move 5.  Which I did.  Serrate contact and AI Fix directly ahead.

The Mosquito has a FP of 5 which put paid to the Ju88.  The umpire showed my the master map with 22 Halifax Bombers present and the location of the Second Ju88 off to the side.

 Again lucky (and as we still talk through options sometimes it is easy to guess the intention of the umpire (he is only 12!)

Game markers used.

The Luftwaffe AI Fix marker is an old Do-17.  The Ju88 is in BOB livery until my order from Dom arrives to replace with a dedicated NF bird. 

The Mosquito NF.II (really a XIX) in intruder scheme.  Decals by Dom

The Halifax Fix markers. The Halifax has C1 fuselage roundels and Flashes from Dom.  I haven't put the Type B upper roundels on yet.  They are in the same order from Dom as some new aircraft.   Once they are on then a dullcote spray to seal everything in

Good enjoyable game with plenty of tension.  I am quite happy with only having one or two aircraft on the table with the reduced Hex size.

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