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Thursday 24 January 2013

Nightfighter - Aircraft plan

So with this lot arriving this morning

I need to recast what needs doing.  There is a lot of spare metal in these packs which isn't going to see the light of day and I need to decide what to do.

Fourteen Packs:
  • 2 x V1 Doodlebugs.  Raiden models leftovers kindly provided by Dom.  Only need one but having the spare will be useful.
  • 4 x Vickers Wellingtons of which I will need all four models for Scenario 3.
  • 2 x Do217 Bombers
  • 1 x Do217J-2 Nightfighter (came from the Do217 pack and in the process of changing the nose)
  • 3 x Do17z.  I need one to use as a Do17z-10 NF the other two will go off and join by BOB forces
  • 4 x Stirlings.  I have the four I need for Scenario 3a1.  These will be needed for some of the Campaign missions.
  • 2 x G4M Betty.  I have eight of these already.  These two new ones will be used as Flare Droppers for the Task Force Scenario.
  • 4 x Lancasters. These will be needed for some of the Campaign missions.
  • 4 x Halifax MkIII.  These will be needed for some of the Campaign missions.
  • 4 x Ju88. These will be converted into Nightfighter variants.  C-2, C-6, G-1 and G-6.
  • 4 x Me110.  These will be converted into Nightfighter variants with anything left over going back to BOB (unlikely).
To go with the existing collection:
  • 2 x Stirlings
  • 4 x Lancasters
  • 4 x Halifax's
  • 3 x He111
  • 3 x B-29A
  • 1 x Me110C-2
  • 1 x He219
  • 1 x Ta154
  • 1 x Mosquito NF.XIX
  • 1 x Mosquito NF/Intruder
  • 1 x Beaufighter (European)
  • 1 x Beaufighter (Malta/Western Desert)
  • 3 x P-61 Black Widows
  • 1 x P-70A Havoc
  • 1 x Ki-45 Nick
  • 8 x G4M Betty
  • 1 x Ju88C-2 Bomber

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