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Friday 11 January 2013

Nightfighter - P-61 Black Widows (Pt 1)

One of the iconic nightfighters.  The Nightfighter game has two pacific scenarios which use the P-61.  I had a pack of three! from Tumbling Dice and decided to make them up representative of the two Squadrons in the Scenario Book.

42-39576 from 418th Night Fighter Squadron was a P-61B model with the turret.  The Yellow tail stripes also gave me something to model.
42-39713 from 548th Night Fighter Squadron was another B model but one that had the turret.  The nose art was interesting as well!
For the third model in the pack I decided to do a European Theatre of Operations aircraft.  42-5547 from 422nd Night Fighter Squadron was selected.  I chose it purely because it was green but also that it had shot down a V-1.  I reckoned that the Op Diver scenario in the book could be altered to use a P-61.  Other reason is that it used some colour in the form of the yellow radome.

I need to put the national insignia and decals on these three but they are progressing in the right direction.

I have decided not to do Red numbers on the black P-61s due to the ongoing problem I have with printing black (I need to use a black background to print red using white decal paper)

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