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Saturday 12 January 2013

Nightfighter - Scratch building Ta-154 (Pt 2)

Part 2 of this descent into madness. I now know why I buy all my models!  I have neither the eye sight or steadiness of hand to sculpt green stuff into meaningful shapes.  Or more probably I don't have the patience to wait long enough before picking up the model to start the next stage.

I have tried some panel lines in the green stuff but will need to redo them when the material cures slightly more. Need to try and put the Cannon channels on as well (or might just not bother)

Waiting to cure properly before getting some sanding treatment.  Probably give this a quick brush with GW Liquid green stuff to smooth off.

Lichtenstein Antenna try out on the Do-17P carcass I had from the engine cannabilisation of the engines.  I can make this in 2.7mm lengths which is about the right scale.  It should protrude just over 1mm from the fuselage.  I haven't tried the vertical blade elements yet which are 1.8mm in length.  

Lessons Identified (because we don't necessarily learn from them) are that if I was to do another one (which is very likely).  

  • The Neodymium magnet will be affixed to the wing section and the main fuselage build around it.
  • Mako11 on TMP suggesting scaling down the plan and gluing to the top surfaces to help with panel scribing which is a lot better than doing it free hand.
  • Make sure you have some decent modelling putty on hand before starting.
  • Build the model in management sections and then stick them together.  This reduces handling and the risk of damaging existing work.
Hopefully be able to sand and undercoat this evening after I get back from Rugby (I am refereeing this afternoon).  Paint and decals are already identified so that element shouldn't take too long.

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