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Sunday 13 January 2013

Nightfighter - Scratch building Ta-154 (Pt 3)

This is as far as this particular project is going. I didn't have the patience to do a good job on this.  Need to research the models a bit more and sort out the build sequence.  This was a case of trying and see what comes out.

TQ+XE decals applied.  I didn't have a white tail motif so had to go with a black outline.  Need to check Doms listing.  But at this scale...good enought

The engine panels are way overscale.  I need a better modelling medium (and patience)

And from Lisa (or Port)

Didn't try lichtenstein antennas on this and not need to look at how to do the cockpit areas next time.  So Patience and Research.  Only one of which I am likely to be any good at.


  1. Well I think it looks good, the humps on the wing could be sanded down a little more, but other than for that, she's splendid! probably alot better than some of the official models (the TD P-51s come to mind, as well as the bad horizontal stab placement on their later B-17s)

  2. More than good enough, Simon. Fantastic work, which could very easily pass as professionally built. Great work.

  3. Yes, certainly look the part to me. As commented - as good as some commercial models. Though wanting to improve is always good - maybe a new 1:600 manufacturer in waiting....

  4. Looks great! I like your camo, I have issues trying to get those small spots on 1/600ths.

  5. Hi Tom,
    try adding a little dash of washing up liquid to the paint to break the surface tension. Stops you getting the bobble effect. Once painted I gloss varnish and then dullcote back down as well which helps
