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Friday 31 July 2020

Crete - Semi Arid bases

My FJ bases have attracted a couple of comments.  This is the process I follow:

First off is the VJ Earth Texture.  I had a pot so I used it.  Dark Earth.

Next I put on some spots of Flat Earth.  You could also use US Field Drab.

En Masse

Next is a patchy drybrush of VJ Salmon pink

Base edged are then given a coat of VJ Stone Grey

Which is then drybrushed over the Flat Earth and Pink

Finally a dry brush of VJ Dark Sand

A couple of spots of PVA glue. I use some water with it but only to get it to flow.  The trick here is to use it to hide any points where the edge of the base might show through.

Dunk the model into my basing mix.

All done.

Saturday 25 July 2020

Crete - LuftLande Sturm Regt at Maleme

While looking at something that I can use for Battle Group. I thought about the engagement between C Coy, 22nd Battalion and Plessen's force at the mouth of the R Tavronitis.

Plessen commanded 3/LLStR less its 4th Platoon (Zug) that was the special bridge assault force.

So the landing force would be based around something like this:

Glider 1 - Kompanie HQ (Forward HQ plus runners, Combat Medic, Comms Relay team)
Glider 2 - Funk Trupp (Forward Signals Unit)
Glider 3 - sMG (Tripod mounted MG34 w/loader team)
Glider 4 - sMorser (81mm Kurz w/loader team)
Glider 5 - 1st Platoon HQ plus AT Rifle
Glider 6 - 1st Platoon Section 1
Glider 7 - 1st Platoon Section 2
Glider 8 - 2nd Platoon HQ plus AT Rifle
Glider 9 - 2nd Platoon Section 1
Glider 10 - 2nd Platoon Section 2
Glider 11 - 3rd Platoon HQ plus AT Rifle
Glider 12 - 3rd Platoon Section 1
Glider 13 - 3rd Platoon Section 2

Points wise about 600-650 so a platoon sized game ? Restriction would normally be two platoons but as you loose 3 sections in the way they are organised I would say about for this scenario about right.
However, the accounts say that only 7 (or 8) gliders reached the objective. A bit undecided on how to translate that into on table units. 7/12 or 8/13 might change the Glider Landings rule to say 1 Not arrived, no effect other than loss of units and no BR and then have 2 being destroyed on the way in as normal, 3-4 Rough Landing and 5,6 Perfect

Crete - Supply Containers

A lot of information but not all of it consistent.  This is taken from the excellent NZ at War records

"Meanwhile, transport planes flew over the coastline and began releasing small specks into the sky that blossomed into parachutes in a dazzling array of colors—white, red, green, and yellow. The troops floated to earth under white parachutes, while chutes in other colors denoted weapons canisters, equipment, or supplies."

This appears to be for the Maleme sector.

Friday 24 July 2020

Crete - Forward Signals Unit/Comms Relay Teams

I was looking at the different options for the Forward Signals Units and the Comms Relay Teams.

The new FJ Packs from Peter Pig have, what looks like, two figures carrying between them a Torn.Fu.d2 radio set which is a VHF set.  This is a two man set with the battery pack carried by the second man.  The figure wearing the main radio set is holding the radio set cover in his hand which you cannot see from the site photo

but you can see it here.  

This was my first idea until I realised which radio model was represented.

So a couple of observations.
  • The figure carrying the accessory set is the one pointing.  He is wearing a headset which should connect by cable to the bottom front of the main radio set carried by the other figure.  This will need a bit of wire to replicate.  The wire that is modelled will need trimming off/down.
  • The cable which links the two sets together also needs replicating it was long enough to allow them both to be able to walk together.
This is from the German manual and you can see the connections.  The antenna is made up of 6 sections (32cm each) which are connected together and added on to the antenna adaptor (with what we used to call a goose neck to change the angle of the antenna).  This puts the overall length at just over 2m ( Which is about right using a rough calculation of 72/Freq in Mhz  which we used for copper wire)

Crete - Objective Markers Part 3 - Airborne Assault

So the four are now done. I have gone back and added some more rocks to the test piece and tried out some different ideas for the tree.

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Crete - Objective Markers Part 2 - Airborne Assault

So I have managed to get things underway after the first one (far right). Another three made up and now just need the canister to be added and the parachute lines weighted down into the terrain. 
I have made two weapon/ammo containers and a general supplies one which is the four that I need for the scenario.  

I have tried a couple of different ideas out such as a tree. Just to break up the terrain while still keeping it semi arid.  Hopefully when I get these flocked up tomorrow it will all come together. Overall I am reasonably happy with how these have come out (effectively for free) using 3D Components and material I had around the workbench already.

In progressn with the UV Cured canopies being tested for fit to the MDF bases.

The Version 1 container which seems a little flat so will have a look at tufts when I do the other three tomorrow

Monday 20 July 2020

Crete - Objective Markers Part 1 - Airborne Assault

For the Airborne Assault scenario in the Tobruk supplement you need four supply canisters to act as your objective markers. Assuming they haven't been captured then you could assume they should still be attached to parachutes and closed.  So....

Having access to the schematics made it easy to quickly make up these simple replicas on TinkerCAD.  I have made an error on the one on the left which should have six spokes. I will fix that tomorrow but for the time being I have just printed off four of each.

The containers can then be matched to the canopies.  I found a set on Thingiverse which are for 28mm(1/56) so I scaled them down and made these 45mm.  The real ones would scale at 66mm but as these are billowing I made them a little narrower.  They are allied canopies but will suffice until I find another solution.

The rigging lines are 8.5m long or 8.5cm ( I so like 1/100th as modelling scale for scratch building) and I will use white thread.  I will need 10 rigging strands per parachute.

I am toying with a couple of ideas, one of which is to leave the canopy and lines separate from the container so I can re-use these for Market Garden.

Colour wise

Food and Supplies - White
Medical Supplies - Yellow
Weapons and Ammo - Green

Other Colours/Variations
Officers - White capped (if camouflaged)
Officers - White capped (Black)
RZ-20 Parachute - Camouflaged

Sunday 19 July 2020

Fallschirmjager - Forward HQ Units

Forward HQ Units:

The options for Crete are quite limited compared to some other forces. You tend to find that Forward HQ units are unique or in some cases are consumed as you use them.  The FJ will be hard pressed without some artillery or air support.  Radio communications in 1941 for an airborne assault were fraught with difficulties.

Forward HQ itself.  This will need 3-5 men. It will need an officer, Radio comms and figures to represent the HQ staff and runners who are trying to coordinate the rest of the battle group.

Luftwaffe Air Liaison Officer.  Small 2 man team coordinating the air support. Another radioman and a command figure needed.

Forward Signals Unit and Comms Relay Team (s). More small teams. The FSU is 3 men and the CRT just 2.  They are needed to beef up your chances of getting that vital support in the early stages of the assault from either your air or artillery support.

Air Superiority.  Not a unit but game flavour.  This allows the FJ to have control of the sky and gives more of a reason to take the ALO and the FSU/CRT.

Figure and modelling options

The HQ pack (710) has four poses and includes two radio sets.  There is also a figure with a luftwaffe peaked cap. Three of these figures could also have head swaps to vary the options.

Other options are:


and if I keep most of these kneeling or prone then one of the figures from
(718) could also be used.

 or even (714) has an option or two

For all of these to work they would have needed to recover their equipment from a couple of supply containers which would let me build some form of vignette.  There are two options (716/717) or I might make my own 3D models and print them off.

Forward Signals Unit/Comms Relay Teams

Building a Fallschirmjager Battlegroup for Crete using Peter Pig figures

Most people know I am a fan of Peter Pig's figures.  I think they have plenty of character and the newly released fallschirmjager are no different.  The new release are "early war" and definitely have the option for Crete with rolled up sleeves and helmet covers. There are twenty packs in the new range plus some of the old range (Packs 45, 50 and 377) give you a couple of additional figures if you are happy grabbing a pack just for one figure or pose.

Most of my WW2 gaming uses the Battlegroup rule set authored by Warwick Kinrade.  There is an option in the Tobruk book to create the forces needed to fight for the island of Crete in 1941.  This is my record of building a German FJ battlegroup for either Parachute or Glider deployment.

The BG army lists follow a standard pattern:

  • Forward Headquarters:  Here you find the senior commander of your force, Air Liaison Officers, Signals Units, Communications teams and some themed activities (more of that later).  Taking units here lets you unlock options such as Logistics and Additional Fire Support which round out your force.
  • Infantry Units:  Here you find the solid core of your battle group.  Platoons of troops with supporting elements such as tripod mounted MGs, Mortars, Medics and AT Rifles. You can also field additional sections of infantry if needed. 
  • Tank Units: If you are permitted armour then platoons or troops of tanks as well as single vehicles can be added to your force.
  • Artillery Units: This is the artillery and mortars that are dedicated to your battlegroup as well as your forward observers to control fire.
  • Defences:  If you are a defending force then you have the option of adding defensive positions, snipers and possibly barbed wire and minefields.
  • Engineer Support Units: If not an option as "infantry" you will find Assault pioneers and specialist engineering equipment needed to assist your troops.
  • Reconnaissance Support Units:  Battlegroup is all about the combined arms approach and you will find Recce patrols, armoured cars and the like.
  • Logistic Support:  Provides ammunition resupply and first aid for your force.  
  • Specialist Support:  Where permitted this gives you the options to add those small units or weapons which are vital but don't fit anywhere else in the force structure.
  • Additional Fire Support: This is where the higher level on call artillery can be found to supplement your dedicated support as well as the options to deliver counter battery fire and conduct some preparatory fire with both artillery and aircraft on planned missions (on call air power is covered as a game mechanic).
My Fallschirmjager (which includes the option to play as the Gerbirgjager for later engagements) get to draw up a sub set of the army list which reflects the method of entry onto the island and the scarcity of support at critical stages.  Each of the links below will take you to the respective section and some ideas of what you can build/take.

Forward HQ
Infantry Units
Engineer Support Units
Reconnaissance Support Units
Logistic Support
Additional Fire Support
Objective Markers

Saturday 18 July 2020

Crete 1941 - Peter Pig Early War Fallschirmjager

So with the reconfiguration of the house nearly complete it means I can gradually get back into BG and all things modelling.

The new FJ from Peter Pig came through the door the other day.  They are a joy to paint and I love the detail Martin has put on these.  The rolled up sleeves is a nice touch for Crete 1941. This is a 6 man rifle element for BG with a MP38 armed NCO.  Smocks are all Grey Green with Field Grey trousers. I did one helmet in a green as the use of "apple green" helmets did still happen.  I not on a lot of the photos that an attempt at camouflaging the surface had started to happen but at this scale I am not sure I can pull it off.

The only things I am not a fan of with these figures is the size of the boots. I might try some miliput to hide the height on a couple and see how that goes.