Showing posts with label Rules - 5Core Brigade Commander. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rules - 5Core Brigade Commander. Show all posts

Friday, 20 March 2015

5Core Brigade Commander - 4 CMBG

The 4th Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group always makes an attractive wargames unit. I have fielded this unit on and off over the years. My Leopard C1s have been subsumed into my WG Pz Gr brigade and the M113s and M150s have joined the Israelis.  With the advent of 5Core Brigade Commander could be time for them to reappear. A trip into the spares box reveals a clutch of GHQ M113s and a M577 together with 3 Leopard 1A3/4 models. Enough to represent 3 RCR BG in terms of "First Clash".  NATO doctrine in the early 1980s precluded concentration to counter the nuclear threat so a typical Battalion frontage covered approximately 4km. Exactly the distance that a 3x3 5Core table provides.  

As I found with the Arab Israeli games you do need a certain mass for the system to work.  Stats for 4 CMBG units are already in existence so I will use those as a start point but TOW needs to be looked at to give Mech Infantry any chance. As does vehicle movement, possibly drop movement to 9" which is consistent with Company commander as I feel that 12" is too much on a small table. This of course depends on how much terrain can be placed.  The attack defence style scenario needs to have things like the obstacle belt in place as well.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

5Core - Arab Israeli Stats

Next up will be the work to check on the stats needed for the 1973 conflict.  As far as I know this is what I am probably looking at.  The level of abstraction in 5Core means I don't need to go too far with it.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

5Core Brigade Commander

I liked the look of the 5Core rule systems so was very interested in their Brigade level rules.  Anything which gets the toys out on the table in quick time gets my vote.  I threw some terrain down on the table and tried out the basic mechanisms using a Warsaw Pact Advanced Guard MR Battalion moving across a 3' x 3' table.  The defenders were isolated pockets of West Germans.  They would appear on a 5 or 6 roll on a D6 and the first time a unit appeared I would roll for type of unit.

As it turned out, a WG Panzer Grenadier unit, but only a company appeared on the table, which was dealt with in short shrift by the FSE.

For my forces I am using the standard MSH bases (30mm x 30mm) with two units making up a company. This means that I can use a single MSH base as an attachment without having to do any remodelling.

I followed this up with playing out a Soviet MRR vs a British 1,3 Mech Inf BG.  And bogged myself down a bit.  The 5Core rules are very elegant but I need to get my head around whether attachments should be present or not (ie accept the level of abstract) and also how to handle artillery support.  The ability to have "packets" of support is good and means that I can simulate the WP Artillery Doctrine as well as spreading the NATO jam around thinly.

More to follow on these.  As I don't have to paint anything up you might actually get to see some games :)

Some shots from Today's game while I am sat here convalescing.

Birds eye view of the 3' x 3' table with my home made terrain and Timecast buildings. Tthe D8 Markers indicate where a WG might be placed.

Large town using a 6" x 6" MSH Town sector

Road signs to add the period flavour

Terrain looking Eastwards

Another large town made up of two 3" x 3" sectors and a 6" x 3" Petrol station, again all by Timecast

Last of the road network

FSE and Regt Recce Coy manouvre.  The D8 are the possible locations for WG units.  I rolled a D6 whenever a unit moved within 12" to check if it activated.

A company of Marders deployed on the woodline

The FSE Firepower sent them bailing for cover, which then allowed the FSE to start flanking while the Recce Coy maintained a watch

Battalion main body moves up in support.  Again just getting to grips with the make up so for the time being trying to keep things doctrinal :)